*This is the general apply page - you only need to fill this out once*
This is the page where you share your information with Fly to Teach and relevant schools and agents. You can apply to one or multiple positions through the form, or simply use it to declare your interest in certain countries and areas. You can also upload your CV / Resume and an Introductory Video (if required) on this page. Applications to China require an Introductory Video to get to know who you are, hear about your experiences, your accent, and why you want to teach in their country. Please attach one to the form if you are interested in teaching in China. It is possible that you have not been asked to do an Introductory Video before. Please have a look at the document next to the 'Upload' button for advice on how to complete the Introductory Video. The CV / Resume and Introductory Video are only shared with Fly to Teach and recruiting personnel of jobs that you might be interested in. If you would like to read more on the Privacy Policy, please visit flytoteach.co.uk/privacy. You can delete your account or information at any time by contacting joe@flytoteach.co.uk.
I am interested in TEFL opportunities
I am interested in international school opportunities
Open Video Advice
* Recruiting partners in China expect an introductory video as part of an application. If you object to submitting a video or cannot upload one, please email your application to joe@flytoteach.co.uk.
If you are not interested in jobs in China, you are not required to submit an introductory video.
* Recruiting partners in South Korea expect a recent photograph to be submitted with an application. Casual is fine, as long as it's not unprofessional!
If you are not interested in jobs in South Korea, you are not required to submit a recent photograph. If you have a recent photograph on your CV/resume, you do not need to submit this in addition.
Notarised and Authenticated documents:
Please select which documents you have already notarised and authenticated at the embassy. Not applicable for all teaching positions.
Countries of interest:
Please select the countries that you are interested in teaching in.
Please be patient when submitting...
(Often the video is still uploading to the website.)